// Two spheres, 2, light sources, a small cone. A reflecting plane or ripples #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" camera { location <0,2,-25> look_at <0,0,0>} light_source { <10,2,-25> color rgb <1,1,1>} light_source { <-10,6,-25> color rgb <1,1,1>} sphere { <0,0,0>, 5 pigment { color rgb <1,0,0> } finish {reflection 0.9 phong 1 } } sphere { <-8, 4, 6>, 5.6 texture { White_Marble } } cone { <10,-3,0>,1 <10,3,0>,0.1 texture { pigment { color rgb <.5,.7,.2> } } // normal { bumps 1/2 scale 1/6} part of texture } plane { y, -2 texture { pigment { color rgb <.1,.9,.9> } finish {reflection 0.9 phong 1 } // normal {ripples 0.5} } } ========================= // A hemisphere acting as a magnifier #include "colors.inc" #include "textures.inc" camera { location <0,0,-9> look_at <0,0,0>} light_source { <2,2,-5> color rgb <1,1,1>} light_source { <-3,-2,-5> color rgb <1,1,1>} #declare Hemisphere = intersection { sphere { <0,0,0>, 1} box{ <-1,-1,-1>,<1,1,0>} } object{ Hemisphere scale 3 pigment { color rgbf <1,1,1,.7> } finish { reflection 0.1 phong 1.0 } interior{ior 1.5 fade_distance 0 fade_power 3.5 } } plane { z, 0 pigment { checker color Green color Yellow } } ========================= http://warp.povusers.org/povtips/ ================= =========================Simple ideas to improve POV-RAY scenes =========== camera { location <0, 5, -10> look_at 0 angle 35 } light_source { <100, 200, -150>, 1 } plane { y, -.25 pigment { rgb <.8,.8,.8> } } #declare RectPillar= prism{ linear_spline 0, 4, 5, <0,0>, <.4,0>, <.4,.6>, <0,.6>, <0,0> pigment { rgb 1 }} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*2.1 rotate y*20} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*1.8 rotate y*-15} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*-2.2 rotate y*20 translate z*-2} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 rotate y*80 translate z*-2} ======================== add shiny floor camera { location <0, 5, -10> look_at 0 angle 35 } light_source { <100, 200, -150>, 1 } plane{ y, -.25 pigment { rgb <.7,.7,.7> } finish { specular .5 reflection .2 } } #declare RectPillar= prism{ linear_spline 0, 4, 5, <0,0>, <.2,0>, <.2,.4>, <0,.4>, <0,0> pigment { rgb 1 }} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate y*.2 } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*2.1 rotate y*20} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*1.8 rotate y*-15} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*-2.2 rotate y*20 translate z*-2} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 rotate y*80 translate z*-2} ===================== Add textures with a slope_map ======= camera { location <0, 5, -10> look_at 0 angle 35 } light_source { <100, 200, -150>, 1 } plane { y, -.25 pigment { rgb <.7,.8,.9> } finish { specular .5 reflection .2 } } #declare Yellowish = pigment { wood color_map { [0 rgb <.9, .7, .6>] [.4 rgb <.8, .6, .5>] [.7 rgb <.7, .4, .2>] [1 rgb <.5, .35, .15>] } turbulence .4 scale .2 } #declare RectPillar= prism{ linear_spline 0, 4, 5, <0,0>, <.2,0>, <.2,.4>, <0,.4>, <0,0> pigment { Yellowish } finish { specular .5 reflection { .3, .6 } } normal { gradient z .1 slope_map { [0 <1, 0>][.5 <0, -1>][.5 <0, 1>][1 <1, 0>] } scale <.1, 0, 0> } } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate y*.2 } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*2.1 rotate y*20} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*1.8 rotate y*-15} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*-2.2 rotate y*20 translate z*-2} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 rotate y*80 translate z*-2} ================== Turn floor into planks =========== camera { location <0, 5, -10> look_at 0 angle 35 } light_source { <100, 200, -150>, 1 } #declare PlankNormal = normal { gradient x 2 slope_map { [0 <0,1>][.05 <1,0>][.95 <1,0>][1 <0,-1>] } scale 2}; plane{ y, -.25 //pigment { rgb <.7,.95,1> } pigment { wood color_map { [.4 rgb <.9, .7, .4>] [.6 rgb <1, .8, .6>]} turbulence .5 scale <1, 1, 10>*.5 rotate y*20 } normal{ average normal_map { [1 PlankNormal] [1 wood .5 slope_map { [0 <0,0>][.5 <.5,1>][1 <1,0>] } turbulence .5 scale <1, 1, 10>*.5] } rotate y*20 } finish { specular .5 reflection .2 } } #declare Yellowish = pigment { wood color_map { [0 rgb <.9, .5, .3>] [.4 rgb <.8, .4, .3>] [.7 rgb <.7, .3, .2>] [1 rgb <.5, .2, .15>] } turbulence .4 scale .2 } #declare RectPillar= prism{ linear_spline 0, 4, 5, <0,0>, <.2,0>, <.2,.4>, <0,.4>, <0,0> pigment { Yellowish } finish { specular .5 reflection { .3, .6 } } normal { gradient z .1 slope_map { [0 <1, 0>][.5 <0, -1>][.5 <0, 1>][1 <1, 0>] } scale <.1, 0, 0> } } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate y*.2 } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*2.1 rotate y*20} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*1.8 rotate y*-15} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*-2.2 rotate y*20 translate z*-2} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 rotate y*80 translate z*-2} =================== Change light to local ============= camera { location <0, 5, -10> look_at 0 angle 35 } light_source{ <100, 200, -150>/50, 1 fade_distance 6 fade_power 2 area_light x*3, y*3, 12, 12 circular orient adaptive 0 } #declare PlankNormal = normal { gradient x 2 slope_map { [0 <0,1>][.05 <1,0>][.95 <1,0>][1 <0,-1>] } scale 2}; plane{ y, -.25 //pigment { rgb <.7,.95,1> } pigment { wood color_map { [.4 rgb <.9, .7, .4>] [.6 rgb <1, .8, .6>]} turbulence .5 scale <1, 1, 10>*.5 rotate y*20 } normal{ average normal_map { [1 PlankNormal] [1 wood .5 slope_map { [0 <0,0>][.5 <.5,1>][1 <1,0>] } turbulence .5 scale <1, 1, 10>*.5] } rotate y*20 } finish { specular .5 reflection .2 } } #declare Yellowish = pigment { wood color_map { [0 rgb <.9, .5, .3>] [.4 rgb <.8, .4, .3>] [.7 rgb <.7, .3, .2>] [1 rgb <.5, .2, .15>] } turbulence .4 scale .2 } #declare RectPillar= prism{ linear_spline 0, 4, 5, <0,0>, <.2,0>, <.2,.4>, <0,.4>, <0,0> pigment { Yellowish } finish { specular .5 reflection { .3, .6 } } normal { gradient z .1 slope_map { [0 <1, 0>][.5 <0, -1>][.5 <0, 1>][1 <1, 0>] } scale <.1, 0, 0> } } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate y*.2 } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*2.1 rotate y*20} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*1.8 rotate y*-15} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*-2.2 rotate y*20 translate z*-2} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 rotate y*80 translate z*-2} ================== 3 light sources, simulating limited DOF ============== camera { location <0, 5, -10> look_at 0 angle 35 focal_point 0 blur_samples 50 aperture .75 } light_source { <100, 200, -150>/50, 1 fade_distance 5 fade_power 2 area_light x*3, y*3, 12, 12 circular orient adaptive 0 } light_source { <-400, 150, -50>/50, <1,.8,.4> fade_distance 6 fade_power 2 area_light x*3, y*3, 12, 12 circular orient adaptive 0 } light_source { <150, 200, 400>/50, <.3,.8,1> fade_distance 5 fade_power 2 area_light x*3, y*3, 12, 12 circular orient adaptive 0 } #declare PlankNormal = normal { gradient x 2 slope_map { [0 <0,1>][.05 <1,0>][.95 <1,0>][1 <0,-1>] } scale 2}; plane{ y, -.25 //pigment { rgb <.7,.95,1> } pigment { wood color_map { [.4 rgb <.9, .7, .4>] [.6 rgb <1, .8, .6>]} turbulence .5 scale <1, 1, 10>*.5 rotate y*20 } normal{ average normal_map { [1 PlankNormal] [1 wood .5 slope_map { [0 <0,0>][.5 <.5,1>][1 <1,0>] } turbulence .5 scale <1, 1, 10>*.5] } rotate y*20 } finish { specular .5 reflection .2 } } #declare Yellowish = pigment { wood color_map { [0 rgb <.9, .5, .3>] [.4 rgb <.8, .4, .3>] [.7 rgb <.7, .3, .2>] [1 rgb <.5, .2, .15>] } turbulence .4 scale .2 } #declare RectPillar= prism{ linear_spline 0, 4, 5, <0,0>, <.2,0>, <.2,.4>, <0,.4>, <0,0> pigment { Yellowish } finish { specular .5 reflection { .3, .6 } } normal { gradient z .1 slope_map { [0 <1, 0>][.5 <0, -1>][.5 <0, 1>][1 <1, 0>] } scale <.1, 0, 0> } } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate y*.2 } object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*2.1 rotate y*20} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*1.8 rotate y*-15} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 translate x*-2.2 rotate y*20 translate z*-2} object{RectPillar rotate x*90 rotate y*80 translate z*-2} ====================== END of http://warp.povusers.org/povtips/ =============== ================= Chess man (for textures examples ======== // Wood texture #include "colors.inc" #include "woods.inc" #include "bubinga.map" camera {location <0, 10, -20> direction <0, 0, 3> right x*1.33 look_at 1.5*y } light_source {<-50, 50, -1000> color Gray75} light_source {< 50, 30, -20> color White} background { color Gray30 } #declare Stack = union {sphere{<0, 4, 0>, 1} cone { -y,1, y, 0.5 translate 2*y } box {-1,1} no_shadow } object {Stack texture{ pigment {P_WoodGrain3A color_map { M_Bubinga } scale 2 rotate x*90 }} } ================= Rows of columns, for perspective, fisheye, and isometric proj ======== #include "Textures.inc" // camera{ location <5, 23, -145> look_at 0 angle 25} // Perspective //camera{ fisheye angle 180 location < 0,15,70> // Fisheye // look_at < 0,0,30> right x*image_width/image_height } camera{ orthographic angle 55 // Isometric location < 1.00,5.00,-15.00>*5 look_at < 0.00, 0.00, 0.00> right x*image_width/image_height } light_source{ <0, 40,50> , 2 } //light_source{ <0, 40,-20> 2 } plane { y, -.2 texture { pigment { color rgb <.1,1,1> } finish { phong .2 } } } #declare Pillar =cylinder { <0, -5, 0>, <0, 5, 0> 1 texture { White_Marble }} #declare Column = union {sphere{<0, 6, 0>, 1.3 } sphere{<0, 4, 0>, 1.3 } sphere{<0, 2, 0>, 1.3 } sphere{<0, 0, 0>, 1.3 } cylinder { <0, -5, 0>, <0, 5, 0> 1 translate 2*y } box {-1,1 translate y*-3} texture { White_Marble} } #declare Row= union{object{Column} object{Column translate x*15} object{Column translate x*30} object{Column translate x*-15} object{Column translate x*-30}} //object{cylinder {<-31,8.3,0>,<31,8.3,0> 1 pigment { color rgb <.1,1,1> } }}} #declare PRow= union{object{Column translate x*30} object{Column translate x*-30}} object{Row} object{Row translate z*15} object{Row translate z*30} object{Row translate z*45} object{Row translate z*60}